The need for financial apps for women to manage investments

The need for financial apps for women to manage investments

Gone are the days when family management was split by gender. In today's world, both men and women are expected to play an equal role in running a household. Whether it's washing laundry, preparing meals, or managing and investing money, women and men share an equal role in all areas of raising a family. When we look at the big picture, women are still lagging behind men when it comes to distributing and investing money at particular periods and in specific situations. There could be a variety of reasons for this. It may be a case of conforming to dominant ideologies and gradually losing interest, or it could be a case of being completely unaware of such sites. Numerous studies have found that women lack confidence and allow the male dominating figure to control the household finances.

The fact that women have an instinctive relationship with money yet fail to reclaim it is not concealed enough. In the 1980s, we saw that women were given more responsibility for home economics and less for corporate economics. Women understand how to get the most of their money and get started for a month or two. Women nowadays, living in the twenty-first century and leading lives of equality, require assistance in managing their finances to live a more confident and standard existence. Money has always been the main component in society, and to "break the bias," women must come forward and learn to manage and invest money in their households and for themselves. We clearly advocated for women's empowerment, but as we progressed through the day, this aspect began to fade.

According to numerous publications and research, women are spending more time on financial applications learning about the stock market. To be more specific, there has been a spike in the stock market among millennials. The pandemic has shifted people's attention and given them the push that they need to look into platforms and apps that provide a roadmap for investing money and recapitulating it at the proper time. Today, we live in a world where women have become financially independent and can build their fortunes. The need for certain financial apps or platforms has enabled us to fill the gap and mend the bridge rather than be governed by male influence. There are numerous requirements.

  1. Women are aware of their wealth and can see how it is increasing.
  1. Sharing an equal role in financial development with their spouse permits and alerts them to examine the spread-out.
  1. It will enable women to plan for a better retirement life without being reliant on others through investment.
  1. Women will be encouraged and motivated to work harder if they are aware of the investment.
  1. Many women have contributed to removing the ambiguity between financial dependency and financial privilege by investing.


Many studies and articles have noted that women preferred investing in diversified equity funds with SIP investment as the facility. The reason is to invest in small amounts rather than provide a lump sum. Many women tend to invest in child care or provide a certain amount for their marriage. Today, more than 50% of women (early 20s) have started investing in various platforms to experience seamless adult life. However, many women continue to follow their financial privilege status, resulting in a financially dependent life. To empower the other half of the women, a financial app can be useful, as it will be triggered to participate in investing with constant reminders of the need.Today, we see many women entrepreneurs as the heart and soul of their businesses, and tools like financial applications and platforms may help shape society by providing a steady nudge in the right direction.

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